A Train Crossing A Bridge Over A Road
Hotel Zena Washington DC

Washington DC Hotel Offers

The secret to a memorable DC stay: Make the most of it. It's easy with our package deals that enhance your stay with things like special rates, complimentary food and drinks, free valet parking, and more. Check out our current offers and come see us soon.

Enhance Your Stay When You Book

Dining at Figleaf. Pet-friendly luxury amenities. Extra-early check-in. Add on unique only-at-Hotel Zena experiences* to make the most of your Washington DC stay when completing your reservation or contact the hotel for more information.

Upscale Upgrade

Enjoy an upscale upgrade during your Washington DC stay with an upgraded room type and $35 nightly food and beverage credit.

Park, Eat & Play

Book the Park, Eat & Play offer and receive 50% off overnight parking and a $50 daily dining credit at Figleaf Bar & Lounge.

Bed & Breakfast

Enjoy a complimentary once-daily breakfast at Figleaf Bar & Lounge during your stay at Hotel Zena.

Prepay & Save

It pays to plan ahead. Prepay and save up to 20% off your Washington DC stay.

Saluting You — Special Government & Military Leisure Rates

Special rates for government and military employees and families who are traveling for leisure.

Upscale Upgrade

Enjoy an upscale upgrade during your Washington DC stay with an upgraded room type and $35 nightly food and beverage credit.

Park, Eat & Play

Book the Park, Eat & Play offer and receive 50% off overnight parking and a $50 daily dining credit at Figleaf Bar & Lounge.

Bed & Breakfast

Enjoy a complimentary once-daily breakfast at Figleaf Bar & Lounge during your stay at Hotel Zena.

Prepay & Save

It pays to plan ahead. Prepay and save up to 20% off your Washington DC stay.

Saluting You — Special Government & Military Leisure Rates

Special rates for government and military employees and families who are traveling for leisure.

*Hotel add-ons are available for selection in the booking process under Enhance Your Stay and will appear after you've selected your room/rate. Hotel add-on inclusions and prices may vary. See specific hotel terms & conditions for more information on valid offers, blackout dates, cancellation policies and stay requirements.