A Row Of Buildings With A Pool
Viceroy at Ombria Algarve

Algarve Resort Offers

Immerse yourself in unparalleled luxury at the new Viceroy at Ombria Algarve. Book directly with us to unlock exclusive experiences. Our resort packages and special offers are tailored to elevate your Algarve retreat in the most captivating and immersive ways.

Algarve Golf Getaways

Stay and play at Viceroy at Ombria Algarve. Choose from a variety of golf packages to meet your needs.

Sharky & George's Algarve Adventures

Discover the perfect family getaway this Easter with exclusive programming, in partnership with Sharky & George.

Prepay & Save - Up to 20% Off

Prepay & save when you book 30+ days in advance.

Romance Package

Escape to the picturesque Algarve countryside for a romantic getaway including a couples massage, a romantic dinner and more.

Stay & Spa Package

Relax and unwind during your Algarve getaway with two 60-minute spa massages included with your stay.

Discover Our Residences

Discover 1—and 2-bedroom luxury Residences featuring a complimentary airport transfer and exclusive amenities.

The Algarve Awaits – Long Stay Exclusive

Stay 30 nights or more and enjoy luxury long-term accommodations, plus a 15% discount at our signature restaurants.

Viceroy DISCOVERY Loyalty Program Member Specials

Become a Viceroy DISCOVERY Loyalty Program member and enjoy special rates and exclusive benefits and experiences.

Algarve Golf Getaways

Stay and play at Viceroy at Ombria Algarve. Choose from a variety of golf packages to meet your needs.

Sharky & George's Algarve Adventures

Discover the perfect family getaway this Easter with exclusive programming, in partnership with Sharky & George.

Prepay & Save - Up to 20% Off

Prepay & save when you book 30+ days in advance.

Romance Package

Escape to the picturesque Algarve countryside for a romantic getaway including a couples massage, a romantic dinner and more.

Stay & Spa Package

Relax and unwind during your Algarve getaway with two 60-minute spa massages included with your stay.

Discover Our Residences

Discover 1—and 2-bedroom luxury Residences featuring a complimentary airport transfer and exclusive amenities.

The Algarve Awaits – Long Stay Exclusive

Stay 30 nights or more and enjoy luxury long-term accommodations, plus a 15% discount at our signature restaurants.

Viceroy DISCOVERY Loyalty Program Member Specials

Become a Viceroy DISCOVERY Loyalty Program member and enjoy special rates and exclusive benefits and experiences.